“Bellevue” is a cooperative and multimedia society role-playing game for 4 players or groups of players, where the goal is to master challenges together and act strategically. The objective is to solve problems as a team and to develop a society in order to achieve the highest possible society score and thus an ideal world.
The game is played with cards that have an NFC tag that is read using arduino-based readers. The readers transmit the data to the engine. There are different roles that bring unique bonuses or abilities that help to master the various challenges that have been developed based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Resources are needed to defeat challenges, which are also available in the form of playing cards. The type of resource used determines the way in which a challenge is solved, socially, ecologically or technologically.
In this way, the players form their own social, eco or technological society, which is visualized in the form of a city on the game board.
Playtesting the prototype at Virtual Experience Lab 

Team: Margaux-Anne Arnu, Lucas Musil, Laura Marie Reinwarth, Prof. Christian Schmachtenberg, Prof. Thomas Wagner

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